Sunday, 29 August 2010


Luke and I talked about about doing up some of our 4-track recordings as a tape release, but considering we are both lazy as hell this is as close as either of us are going to come to getting it done. You can BYO tape though, by all means.

It's 2 very short sides of recordings from May 2010, recorded at Via Studios (great folk there) on Luke's Tascam 464 and digitally tweaked by myself.

The Entire Asian Population - TEAPTAPE (megaupload).

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Rogers XP-8 Drums

1979 Rogers XP-8 kit in blue mist with matching dynasonic snaredrum...

These photos make them look kinda small, but they are massive sizes: 13", 14", 16" toms with a ginormous 24"x 18" kick. I'm guessing a previous owner put the maple hoops on the kick drum, because I've never seen them on another set in pictures or catalogues. I think they look sweet.

Until next time...

goodnight, sweet prince(s)

1979 catalogue cover

Check out vintage Rogers catalogues over at (if you're into that sort of thing).